Long-Stay Groups Reservations

Skyline view of the Capital Building

Fill Out Our Long-Stay Group Interest Form Now

Reservation Process

  1. The Long-Stay Request Form will contain sections to request specific housing, meal service, and catering, as well as meeting and event space needs.
  2. Once received, we will work with the group coordinators to review the specifics of their needs and build out all of the service details of their group request. Staff from GW's Summer Housing Team will set up a "pre-contract call" to firm up the specifics before drafting an official contract.
  3. Once a group receives its contract, a complete copy of the signed agreement and a 50% deposit for all estimated services is required to solidify a group reservation.  If either a signed agreement or the required deposit is not received, no group has an official reservation for space or services.     
  4. Between the contracting period and a group's arrival, a group coordinator may make changes to their reservation through the amendment process.  Details about what changes are permitted once an official contact is received are outlined in the tab below as well as in the License Agreement which was downloaded as part of the online request process.
Long Stay/Intern Group License Agreement

Housing License Agreement for Long-Stay/Intern Groups

During the booking process, the Group Coordinator will be prompted to read, review, and download the terms and conditions of the Summer Housing License Agreement for Long-Stay and Intern Groups.  The document is included as part of the reservation and contracting process but last year's agreement can also be found here for your review and records.

2025 Long Stay/Intern Group Housing License Agreement

Protection of Minors Policy

The University has established guidelines and procedures to promote the protection of minors. GW requires all non-university individuals and organizations using university facilities for programs and activities involving minors to comply with our Protection of Minors Policy.

Groups are required to conduct background checks of all adult chaperones and to supervise all Group Participants when any participant is categorized as either Youth ages 10-13 and/or Youth ages 14-17. 

Group Coordinators should refer to the Housing License Agreement for full details. 

GW Protection of Minors Policy

Disability Housing Accommodation and Gender Inclusive Policy

Disability Housing Accommodation

GW offers a limited number of accessible housing options in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - including wheelchair-accessible rooms with private bathrooms and rooms equipped with visual alerts. These rooms are available upon request and other needs are considered on a case-by-case basis.  The Group Coordinator should identify this need as part of the reservation and communicate the full needs of all group participants as part of the contracting process. 

Assistance Animal in Residential Facilities

The process for making formal accommodation requests starts when a summer guest with a disability submits recent, comprehensive documentation from their licensed health care or mental health provider to GW Summer and Conference Housing, which documents the guest's specific need for accommodation. After receipt of documentation, GW Summer and Conference Housing will engage with the resident to determine the type and details of the accommodation, if any.

Assistance Animal in Residential Facilities Policy and Procedures

Gender Inclusive Roommate Requests

George Washington University does permit gender-inclusive roommate requests. Such requests must also be completely mutual. Guests should keep in mind that the Revolutionary and Capital Option rooms are set up as studios and do not have separate living and sleeping spaces. Any other studio spaces under other options will be like this as well. Gender-inclusive requests will not guarantee placement in specific buildings and room types. Guests are encouraged to consider their personal need for privacy before submitting a gender-inclusive roommate request.

Payment Procedures

When creating the reservation request the Group Coordinator will utilize the Group Billing Option. This selection will be used when creating the contract and applied to the billing of the sponsoring organization.

Group Billing: 6-week minimum stay and the sponsoring organization will be paying all fees directly to GW Summer Housing. 

Payments under the Group Billing Option

First Payment or the “Deposit”: A first payment or deposit of fifty percent (50%) of the total estimated charges, of all services requested, is due within 30 days upon submission of the signed License Agreement.

Second Payment: The remaining balance of the total estimated reservation charges for all services requested is due prior to the first scheduled date of arrival.

Final Invoicing: Final Invoicing typically occurs within 30 days following the last scheduled date of departure and will include additional costs incurred during the reservation including, but not limited to extraneous fees such as lost keys and access card charges, additional meeting space or audio-visual equipment, damages, etc. Final payment for these costs must be received within thirty (30) days after Final Invoicing.

Changes to the Agreement

Changes to the Agreement

Groups should agree to the most realistic representation of their program possible. Once the agreement has been signed by the licensee and the University there is a formal Amendment process to make changes to the contract. 

We will provide you the opportunity to make two (2) changes to the agreement without penalty. All changes must be completed on a Long-Term Stay Group Housing Addendum Form which will be provided by the Summer Housing Staff.  The Amendment may not decrease the number of committed Group Participants, number of committed nights, or a reduction of other services by any more than 25% (by count or value) of the total estimated Reservation Charges in the original contract.  Amendments must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to scheduled arrival, without penalty.


Changes under the Individual Billing Option

In addition to the above, Participants in a Group that has selected for Individual Billing must make their change requests through the Group Coordinator who will approve or deny these requests as it may impact the obligation to the sponsoring organization.  

Change of stay requests (resulting in a shortened stay) made less than fifteen (15) days prior to check-in will incur a $250 Reservation Change Fee assessed directly to the Group Participant. Any change of stay requests (including early departures) made after a Group Participant’s date of arrival will not be subject to refunds. Any reservation change requests resulting in a lengthened stay made on or after the date of arrival will require payment in full when approved.

If an Amendment Form is not received more than 15 days prior to arrival, GW will hold the sponsoring organization financially responsible for all contracted services. All reservation change requests are subject to space availability and are not guaranteed.

Any change of stay requests (including early departures) made after the group has checked in to their residence hall will not be subject to refund.



Any Long-Stay Group cancellation request must be submitted in writing to GW Summer Housing at [email protected]. The Licensee agrees to adhere to the following cancellation schedules:

Group Billing Option:

If a reservation is canceled: 

  • More than 30 days from arrival: All monies paid will be refunded 
  • 29 days or less from arrival:  All payments will be forfeited in full.

If the Licensee does not arrive within twenty-four (24) hours after the first scheduled date of arrival and does not contact GW Summer Housing about a delayed arrival, the Group Reservation will be immediately canceled, all reserved Licensed Space and services will be released, and all previous payments will be forfeited in full.

No refunds or adjustments will be made for the Licensee and/or any Group Participant who either arrives late or leaves prior to the reserved dates. The Licensee will be responsible for paying the contracted amount or the amount actually used, whichever is higher.