In the interest of creating a safe and positive environment for all residents and guests, it is necessary to set conduct guidelines that all guests of The George Washington University must adhere to. By choosing to stay in GW housing, guests agree to follow all rules and regulations set forth by GW Summer Housing.
Policy violations will result in:
- A warning for minor violations or
- Cancellation of Summer Housing License Agreement for serious and/or repeated minor violations. Cancellation of the Summer Housing License Agreement will result in removal from the residence hall or townhouse without reimbursement of any summer housing fees.
As defined in the Code, a GW student is “any currently enrolled person, full‐time or part‐time, or on continuous enrollment, pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or professional studies, whether or not in pursuit of a degree or of any form of certificate of completion.” The guidelines established in the Code and the Summer Housing License Agreement apply to all individuals; however, only academic-year GW students and non‐GW academic‐year students attending Summer courses are entitled to a disciplinary process. For all others, the University may take immediate possession of the room occupied by the Licensee for a violation of any terms of this Summer Housing License Agreement and without refund to the Licensee. Reports of violations of University policy received from the GW Police Department, GW Summer Housing staff, and/or any other GW Department are considered factual and accurate and are the basis for decisions rendered for individual Licensees.
- Summer 2024 COVID-19 Policies
- Residential Prohibited Items
- Code of Student Conduct
- Threats and Acts of Violence Policy
- Title IX Sexual Harassment and Related Conduct Policy
- Prohibited Relationship With Students Policy
Broom Clean Policy
Please make sure to leave your room in a “broom clean” condition; an industry standard in residential facilities management. This means:
- all personal items have been removed from the room, bathroom, and the hallway outside your door
- the refrigerator, microwave, oven, and freezer have been emptied
- all trash has been disposed of properly.
Once you depart your room, it will be inspected and fees may be assessed and placed on your student account for the following:
- damage
- not leaving the room in broom clean condition
- not returning any GW-issued keys in your possession